Friday 18 October 2013

Time to say Goodbye

I've been in SL for almost 7 years. For most of those years I've been building houses. Inspired by a lovely lady known in SL as Sara Sullivan, my first landlord and first SL friend sadly now passed in RL, I've been making homes for myself, for my friends and family and for customers. My business has gone under the names "Miz Slocombe", "AngelGrace Homes" and the current "There's No Place Like Home" each new brand bringing a new range of houses as my skills developed. However, I've come to the conclusion that it's time to stop selling my homes, and time to stop making them to be sold.

SL is a very different world than it was 7 years ago, heck it's different to how it was 1 year ago, that's what's amazing about it. New technologies, Mesh and an influx of professional or semi-professional 3D Content creators and texture artists joining our beautiful world have made it a place where the humble Prim Builder can no longer compete, at least not in the Prefab Market. I don't blame those people, they have skills and talents that far outweigh my own and their stuff just looks amazing, who can blame them for bringing it to a market where people will lap it up?

My store has sat without a sale for over 3 months despite the support of friends and family to promote and support me. It's time to take the hint.

Some people will say "Well learn how to do what they do" and it would be a valid solution but I have neither the time, money or inclination. Building for me was always a fun way to pass the time here in SL, a way for me to create a part of this virtual world, doing all the work in another application just doesn't appeal.

So, if I feel inclined I may still knock up a building or two for myself, but after my rent runs out on my store in 16 days I will no longer sell my buildings.

Until then, I'm holding a closing down sale. 75% MINIMUM off all There's no Place Like Home buildings. Once my store closes on 10th November they will no longer be available in-world or on Marketplace. So if anyone wants a cheap house, that may not be as fancy as the latest thing but each one has it's own unique features, then snap em up.

Thank you for reading, and if you've bought or are about to buy one of my homes Thank You for your support. 

Angel x
Marketplace Store
In-World Store.

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